Sunday, July 15, 2007

big fish hunt @ marina south

Boo!! lousy catch day....

today go marina south fish,opp the ferris wheel.

marina south=sangkok haven

today only target big guys...
the fishes must have got smarter,using rocks against us.

my bait kena 1 camper(a grouper i guess),strike once den hide inside rocks and there goes my line...1st time my braided line break sia...sian lo...

my dad kena 1 fighter(probably a chermin or GT) damn strong la...his Shakespeare Contender (a heavy action rod) can bend frm 12 o'clock position to 2 o'clock,but somehow the fish managed to break the mainline,most probably scrape against rocks...another big guy gone...

not wanting to leave empty handed my dad begin to target smaller fishes,
in the end got some snappers,1 tiger grouper and 1 pink ear emperor.
no...we didn't catch the spoon

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