Sunday, December 16, 2007

catch report,161207

ok...nt bad in dad's hp,i lost my phone =(,
got my very 1st Gao(Grouper), caught on handline, feel damn shoik when saw tat it's a Gao, probably the same feeling when ur crush agree to go on a date wif u.....

Golden Trevallies, seems scattered today, only landed 2(by dad).
still an abundance of Kim Kor(spotted scats) almost a pest.

oh ya...highlight of the neighbour's friend caught a whopping 1.6KG Giant Trevally, the biggest i saw with my own eyes in SG waters.(Live Action!)

Sunday, December 9, 2007

16 DEC 07 Catch Report......Watch this space!

Location: Pasir Ris Kelong

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

i wan to fish

damn....suffering frm withdrawal symptoms again.....i wanna fight the GT again!!! or even better fight a Kim Bak Lor.......or just get any fish to bend my rod!!!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

happy deepavali CR new addition to my list of fish landed liao...GOLDEN TREVALLY..not small 1 ok!!...ok la...not v big oso but bigger than my feet.
it IS bigger than my feet... my sandals made the fish look smaller than it is.

btw oso the biggest fish I caught in Singapore waters...
did nt take pic on the spot...(who has time for pictures when fishes are biting)

a rare catch by my flower crab
sounds common? try catching 1 using hooks and line

also 14 spotted scads(aka kim kor) not the best food fish but put up pretty good fights(the golden trevally fights better)

yes...the biggest 1 is caught by ME:)

Thursday, September 27, 2007

interesting way to fish

maybe can try this when i go army

Thursday, September 20, 2007

its hard to find time and place for fishing these days, so here's the next
best thing...Fishing Champ

its a 3D MMO game, quite fun when got nth to do.
however it supports Internet Explorer only other web browsers suct as FireFox, Opera, Safari and so on cannot abit sian
requires download too 100++ MB not a prob.
once everything sorted out just start fishing =)
can choose to sell, keep, or cook the fish u caught.
looks like this is the closest one can get to real fishing in the online virtual world, cos u gotta strike(by pulling the mouse)when the fish tugs at ur bait to set in the hook den got day and night fishing oso....

some kinda lousy thou(but im not complaning)

Saturday, August 11, 2007


hi guys, thinking of going on a offshore trip this holiday.
details not up yet, so may or may not go.
interested? pm me =)

meanwhile, i'm targeting this rod.

Lemax, Ferari Stik, 7'0"

Note:My birthday in 2 mths time,early presents are most welcome =)

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

emo 2

sorry emo again...

!@#$%^&* marina south....the bloody rocks so damn slippery.
so in the end, i god dammed slipped and broke my rod!

although the rod $30+ nia, its my 1st rod i buy myself lo....
worse part is can't even retrieve the broken part la, it's stuck deep within the rocks.

just imagine ur thumb or toe kena chopped off and can't get it back cos it kena stuck in a pile of rocks.....

needless to say, catch that day was damn pathetic...

rod tip broken

Sunday, July 15, 2007

big fish hunt @ marina south

Boo!! lousy catch day....

today go marina south fish,opp the ferris wheel.

marina south=sangkok haven

today only target big guys...
the fishes must have got smarter,using rocks against us.

my bait kena 1 camper(a grouper i guess),strike once den hide inside rocks and there goes my line...1st time my braided line break sia...sian lo...

my dad kena 1 fighter(probably a chermin or GT) damn strong la...his Shakespeare Contender (a heavy action rod) can bend frm 12 o'clock position to 2 o'clock,but somehow the fish managed to break the mainline,most probably scrape against rocks...another big guy gone...

not wanting to leave empty handed my dad begin to target smaller fishes,
in the end got some snappers,1 tiger grouper and 1 pink ear emperor.
no...we didn't catch the spoon

Friday, July 13, 2007


DAMN....getting emo these days....must be due to the lack of fishing....
2 weeks nv fish, suffering withdrawal symptoms liao.....

btw how to catch mermaid har?

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

First Post

Hello everyone,Koi here =)

Q:is this my new blog?
A:yes it is.

Q:What about the old one (blog)?
A:it will still be around =)

Q:why setup this blog?
A:i got bored,so decided to have a fishing blog in addition to my racing blog.

Q:what purpose shall this blog serve?
A:figure it out urself.(go bang ur head in the wall if u can't)

this shall be all for my 1st post...
anymore questions can ask thru the tag board =)